The machine code instruction set is the same for all types of processors.
Question 1
Read the following statement and then click on the True or False button.The answers will be checked when you have completed all ten.
Question 2
The instructions for the microprocessor are coded in hexadecimal.
Question 3
Each machine language instruction usually consists of an opcode and and operand.
Question 4
The operand specifies the operation to be performed.
The opcode specifies the operation to be performed.
Question 5
Question 6
The operand may contain the data itself or the memory location where the data can be found.
For an opcode length of 4 bits, 8 instructions could be contained in the instruction set.
Question 7
Question 8
To make it easier for programmers, opcodes are often written as hexadecimal.An opcode written as 3E in hexadecimal would be translated to 00111110 in binary.
Question 9
An opcode of 3C in hexadecimal would be translated to 10111101 in binary.
Question 10
To make it easier for programmers the opcodes are given mnemonics such as ADD and STO.
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The instruction set is different for different types or families of processors.
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The correct answer is:
The instructions are coded in binary, the only ‘language’ that the microprocessor can understand.
Each instruction usually consists of an opcode and an operand.
No. The operand specifies data or a memory location.
Yes. The opcode specifies the operation to be performed.
Yes. It can signify either data or the memory location where that data can be found.
No. There would be 16 possible instructions or 24.
Yes. 3E in hexadecimal translates to 00111110 in binary.
No. 3C in hexadecimal translates to 00111100 in binary.
To make it easier for programmers the opcodes are given mnemonics such as ADD.
Yes. Mnemonics are used to represent opcodes.