Watch these videos about advances in technology... 
Less than ten years ago, most people watched analogue television. With as many as FOUR channels to choose from!
Very new in 1988
Sending a message...
Now, everyone has digital television. Depending on the provider, viewers can access hundreds of different channels… …and connect to the Internet!
Even in 1994 the Internet was very new
Until recently, the only way that people could send a written message was to… write a letter… find a letterbox… and post it.
Then and now
Phone a friend...
It’s now far easier and lots quicker to send an email.
Analogue recordings on vinyl discs or tape cassettes. Until the 1970s you couldn’t listen on the move.
Digital recordings and downloading. Listen anywhere, anytime.
Until less than 20 years ago most people had to use a static phone fixed to a wall. If they were on the move they had to find a telephone box - that wasn’t vandalised!
Listening to music...
Now, practically everyone in the world can instantly make contact from anywhere.
The school computer1969
Watching television...